Looking to Fundraise?
Is your school or organization in need of fundraising? Santino's would be honored to help. We offer a service which allows you to schedule a weekday (excluding Friday) to allow us to help you raise funds. On the desired day, your organization will earn 10% of that night's sales.
How can you start? You can begin to schedule a date for a fundraising by clicking the store below that you would like to hold a fundraising event at. After choosing a store, you will be taken to fill out more information. Please follow up by contacting the store to be sure everything was received.
All forms must be submitted at least two weeks in advance. Cancellations must be at least one week in advance. Please feel free to set up a table and a donation jar so supporters can give additional money. Members are welcome to assist with cleaning tables or greeting customers.
Note: This is a request form. We apologize for any inconvenience it may cause, but dates will be reviewed and finalized by a manager to ensure proper staff scheduling for the best experience for you and all consumers. If we are unable to accomodate your desired date, we will do our best to work out a new one with you!